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Table 1 An overview of the constructs regarding definitions, domains, and indicators

From: Development and content validity testing of a colonoscopy-specific patient-reported experience measure: the Patient Experience Colonoscopy Scale (PECS)


Time periods




Health motivation


Absence of disease and an interest in gaining knowledge about their bowel health motivate the patients to endure the procedure despite fear of a potential diagnosis. Knowledge seems to support the decision to proceed and reduce anxiety as well as increasing confidence in the colonoscopy

To determine bowel health

1. Wish to find out

2. Has to be undergone

3. To stay in line

4. To make sure everything is OK

Thoughts about potential diagnosis

5. Worries about having cancer

6. Wanted to find out in time for treatment


7. Knowledge about colorectal cancer

8. Knowledge about colonoscopy and the possibility of detection of anomalies

9. Go through the procedure regularly due to colorectal cancer screening



A time when the patients may experience burdensome specified preparations to empty the colon. Patients with pre-existing conditions are likely to worry that the specified preparations may exacerbate their medical conditions. The time prior to colonoscopy is also characterised by logistical planning regarding transportation and time away from other duties

Impact on chronic diseases

1. For individuals with diabetes, worries to do with having to stay away from food, blood sugar levels and unclarity regarding insulin

2. Medical chronical conditions that impede the ability to drink large volumes

Dietary guidelines

3. Lack of information

4. Tiresome to follow dietary guidelines and the required food preparation

Bowel preparation

5. Uncertainty about instructions

6. Burdensome and inconvenient to drink large amounts of fluid with bad taste

7. Tolerated the bowel preparation due to motivation

8. Challenging to finish the bowel preparation

9. Nausea and/or vomiting

10. Feeling cold

11. Impact on sleep due to toilet visits

12. Painful to go to the toilet due to sore bottom


13. Transportation seen as a burden

14. Support with transportation home due to intake of sedation


A time when the situation may be experienced as exposed and embarrassing. Experiences of different degrees of discomfort and/or pain may occur but can be eased with sedation and/or support from staff

Exposed situation

15. Embarrassment and an awkward situation

16. Overwhelming experience and disturbed safety


17. Unpleasant sensory experience

18. Different degrees of pain and peaks of pain


19. Sedated vs. awake according to wishes and personal preferences

20. Good effect of sedation in managing discomfort


21. Guidance from healthcare professionals’, e.g., regarding relaxation and breathing

22. Aided by physical contact

23. Aided by change in position

24. Aided by pausing the intubation of colon

25. Difficulties to verbally express discomfort

26. Difficulties to verbally express pain


A time when the patients may experience physical exhaustion and a need to recover, as well as changed bowel habits and bloating


27. Physical tiredness due to lack of sleep or sedative/pain medication

Impact on bowel habits

28. Changed bowel habits

29. Bloated



Facts and understanding regarding preparations and the process of undergoing a colonoscopy


1. Lack of information regarding diet and/or bowel preparation

2. Lack of information regarding the colonoscopy

3. Clear vs. confusing information

Information seeking

Verbal confirmation

4. Gathering of additional information

5. Source criticism

Topic of conversation

6. Inappropriate to talk about and discuss a colonoscopy procedure with others


Sharing of information regarding the procedure between healthcare professionals and the patient as well as understanding of the given information

Sharing of information

7. Fascinating vs. disgusting to watch the monitor

8. Explaining the procedure

Understanding information

9. Problems remembering given information

10. Lack of full comprehension due to sedation

11. Persistent effect of sedation

12. Unanswered questions due to lack of knowledge or dizziness when discharged


Either a preliminary or a definitive colonoscopy result given by the healthcare professionals to the patient after the procedure

The result

13. Lacked feedback concerning bowel preparation

14. Frustration due to lack of information

15. Reassuring to get the result

16. Result after procedure/recovery

17. Relief to get the result

18. Grateful to get the result

A caring relationship


A colonoscopy-specific caring relationship is based on the healthcare professionals’ positive attitude and courtesy towards the patient. In addition to this, it is essential that patients have confidence in the competence of the healthcare professional. Respectful interactions are a prerequisite for the creation of a caring relationships


1. Reassurance

2. Calm and comfort

3. Humour/Verbal praise

4. Nice manners/Well treated

5. Positive and friendly atmosphere

6. Feeling of being respected, safe and cared for

7. Treated as an individual


8. Trust in the healthcare professionals’ knowledge

Relationship-building interactions

9. Healthcare professionals’ responsive to individual needs, easing anxiety

10. Treated as a partner

11. In control due to the possibility to stop the examination if needed



For some patients, a time characterised by fear of potential complications. Patients without former experience of undergoing a colonoscopy are unsure of what will happen during the procedure and sometimes brood about the upcoming event. Negative previous experiences increase anxiety and serve as a barrier to undergoing the procedure, while positive previous experiences often reduce uncertainty and worries


1. Fear of complications

2. Concerns about safety and exaggerated negative expectations beforehand

3. Not knowing what to expect regarding sedation, pain, bowel movement

Former experiences

4. Knowledge and understanding of the procedure

5. Previous experience prepared for the future


A time characterised by a re-evaluation of the patients’ expectations prior to the colonoscopy and of their actual experience of undergoing the procedure. The patients’ willingness to repeat the procedure is affected by their assessment of the experiences

Willingness to repeat

6. Expectations not matching reality

7. View of the procedure changed afterwards

8. To experience a colonoscopy was demystifying

  1. Bold text represents the essence