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Table 2 Sample items from final sunlight exposure diary

From: Development and content validation of a sunlight exposure diary in patients with erythropoietic protoporphyria

Sample items


On [insert day of the week and date], did you have …. (check all that apply)

Early warning symptoms from sunlight


A full reaction from sunlight


I did NOT have early warning symptoms or a full reaction from sunlight


Were you exposed to sunlight (direct or indirect) on [insert day of the week and date]?





If YES, please indicate how much TOTAL time you were in sunlight (direct and indirect) during each of the following time periods on [insert day of the week and date]. For example, if you went out for 5 min at 1:15 pm and 10 min at 1:45, you would record 15 min for the afternoon hours of 1:00–2:00 pm. You will also be asked to indicate whether you experienced any early warning symptoms during that time