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Table 1 Eligibility criteria

From: Psychometric evaluation of an electronic Asthma Symptom Diary for young children

Inclusion Criteria, Pre and Post Study Pause

▪ Signed consent, assent, and parent permission

▪ Aged between 6 and 11 years, inclusive

Have mild to severe persistent asthma diagnosed by a physician ≥ 6 months ago as defined by Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) (2019) guidelines:

 • Mild asthma: asthma that is well controlled with Step 1 or Step 2 treatment

 • Moderate asthma: asthma that is well controlled with Step 3

 • Severe asthma: asthma that requires Step 4 or Step 5

Have experienced at least 1 or more of the following in the past 4 weeks:

 • Daytime asthma symptoms more than twice per week

 • Nighttime waking because of asthma

 • Use of reliever (rescue medication) for asthma symptoms (excluding use of reliever before exercise) more than twice per week

 • Any activity limitation because of asthma

▪ Taking at least a low dose of inhaled corticosteroid (symptom driven in mild asthma, consistent with GINA [2019] Step 2 treatment) for ≥ 3 months

▪ Able to understand and provide responses in English

▪ Have an adult primary caregiver (provides daily care) who is able to read, understand, and provide responses in English and is willing to participate in the study with their child

Additional Post-Pause Inclusion Criteria

▪ Access to a computer/laptop to complete digital PDF questionnaires and return by email to the research facility

▪ WiFi access to support daily child ePASD completion using the provisioned device

Exclusion Criteria

▪ Patients with a history of chronic pulmonary disease other than asthma, or another condition that affects lung function

▪ Participants who, in the opinion of the qualitative research facility staff or caregiver, were unable to comply with the study procedures or who have any medical or mental disorder, situation, sensory deficit, or diagnosis that could interfere with the proper completion of the study

  1. ePASD = electronic Pediatric Asthma Symptom Diary