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Table 2 Participants who reported understanding the DSQ questions and associated response options, and notes regarding comprehension

From: Qualitative assessment of the suitability of the Dysphagia Symptom Questionnaire to monitor dysphagia in children aged 7–10 years with eosinophilic esophagitis

  1. aAll participants responded
  2. bYes/No refers to the response options available to participants; n (%) refers to the proportion of participants who reported understanding the DSQ questions and associated response options
  3. c15/16 participants responded (aged 7–8 years: n = 7; aged 9–10 years: n = 8)
  4. d7/16 participants responded (aged 7–8 years: n = 2; aged 9–10 years: n = 5)
  5. e11/16 participants responded (aged 7–8 years: n = 5; aged 9–10 years: n = 6)
  6. f13/16 participants responded (aged 7–8 years: n = 7; aged 9–10 years: n = 6)
  7. g14/16 participants responded (aged 7–8 years: n = 8; aged 9–10 years: n = 6)
  8. h15/16 participants responded (aged 7–8 years: n = 8; aged 9–10 years: n = 7)
  9. i10/16 participants responded (aged 7–8 years: n = 4; aged 9–10 years: n = 6)
  10. DSQ Dysphagia symptom questionnaire, Q question