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Table 4 Convergent and discriminant analyses: Correlation between PROMIS Fatigue SF-7a scores and IBDQ items at Week 12

From: Qualitative and psychometric evaluation of the PROMIS®-Fatigue SF-7a scale to assess fatigue in patients with moderately to severely active inflammatory bowel disease

IBDQ questions/items

CD patients

UC patients

(N = 305)

(N = 204)

Accidental soiling of underpants



Angry because of bowel problem



Avoid events where no washroom



Delay or cancel social engagement



Difficulty leisure/sports activity



Embarrassed by bowel problem






Fear of not finding a washroom



Feeling of fatigue or tiredness



Felt depressed or discouraged



Felt generally unwell



Felt irritable



Felt relaxed and free of tension



Felt tearful or upset



Frustrated, impatient, restless



Going to bathroom, empty bowels



Lack of understanding from others



Limited sexual activity



Loose bowel movements



Nausea, feeling sick to stomach



Problem large amounts of gas



Problem maintaining/losing weight



Problems with sleep



Rectal bleeding



Satisfied, happy with personal life



Troubled by abdominal bloating



Troubled by cramps in abdomen



Troubled by pain in the abdomen



Unable to attend school/do work



Worried or anxious



Worried, possibility of surgery



  1. CD, Crohn’s disease; IBDQ, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire; PROMIS, Patient-reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; SF-7a, Short Form-7a; UC, ulcerative colitis. Strong correlations (rs ≥ -0.70) between fatigue-related IBDQ items and mean SF-7a scores are bolded