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Table 5 Characteristics of survey respondents

From: Measuring needs-based quality of life and self-perceived health inequity in patients with multimorbidity: investigating psychometric measurement properties of the MultiMorbidity Questionnaire (MMQ) using primarily Rasch models

Characteristics/exogenous variable (% of total)

Total number


390 (100)

Age (years)


119 (30.5)


120 (30.8)


151 (38.7)



246 (63.1)


144 (36.9)

Multimorbidity group

 Only somatic

117 (30.0)

 Only psychiatric

25 (6.4)

 Somatic and psychiatric

248 (63.6)


 Heart thrombus

26 (6.7)

 Arteriosclerosis in the heart

29 (7.4)


35 (9.0)


75 (19.2)

 Kidney disease

20 (5.1)


66 (16.9)

 Chronic bronchitis, smoker’s lungs (emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

69 (17.7)


170 (43.6)


235 (60.3)


69 (17.7)


227 (71.0)


58 (14.9)

 Ruptured disc or similar

165 (42.3)

Education in school

 7 years or less

54 (13.9)

 8–9 years

82 (21.0)

 10–11 years

136 (34.9)

 Higher general examination (STX)/Higher preparatory examination (HF)

78 (20.0)


37 (9.5)


3 (0.8)

Higher educationc


61 (15.6)

 One or more short coursesd

34 (8.7)

 Vocational education/skilled worker

152 (39.0)

 Short-cycle higher education < 3 years

24 (6.2)

 Medium-cycle higher education 3–4 years

74 (19.0)

 Long-cycle higher education > 4 years

13 (3.3)

 Other education

29 (7.4)


3 (0.8)

  1. aDistribution of diagnoses based on the stratification of eligible respondents (see Fig. 2)
  2. bIncluding school abroad
  3. cEducation after high school or such like
  4. dFor example specialist working courses, labour courses