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Table 3 Example Quotations from Patients in Concept Elicitation Interviews: How Treatment Simplification Would Reduce the Impact of Treatment on Their Quality of Life 1

From: Development of a patient-reported outcome (PRO) measure to assess patient perceptions of simplicity and complexity of treatment for type 2 diabetes


“I could probably do a lot more activities because I wouldn’t have to worry about if it’s made simpler. I wouldn’t have the anxiety or stress, keeping track of time, I’ve got to do this and that, and it would just make it a lot simpler for me in that regard.” (M, 72 y)

“That you didn’t have to worry about taking your blood or eating exactly what you’re supposed to be eating, staying on the 45 carbs per meal, all that.” (M, 64 y)

“Not having to take four shots a day would simplify. If I only took two shots, that’s better than four. Less to keep track of.” (M, 56 y)

“I think I would travel more…it would make it more easier if I could not have to worry about my insulin…just in general not have to worry about taking it and where am I gonna be.” (F, 68 y)

“I wouldn’t have to remember each day to do it twice a day, so my life would be a heck of a lot easier if I wouldn’t have to worry about doing that every day or think about doing it.” (M, 86 y)

“You wouldn’t have to worry about finding refrigeration.” (F, 70 y)

  1. 1 Participants were asked “How might the impact of your diabetes treatment be reduced if treatment were simplified?”