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Table 1 Minimum target and achieved recruitment quotas

From: Qualitative exploration of the visual function impairments and impacts on vision-dependent activities of daily living in Retinitis Pigmentosa and Leber Congenital Amaurosis: content validation of the ViSIO-PRO and ViSIO-ObsRO measures


Target (N = 60)

Actual (N = 66)*

Age (years)

 Caregiver of child 3–5 years

n = 1

n = 6

 Caregiver of child 6–11 years

n = 1–2

n = 9

 Child (6–11 years)

n = 3–4

n = 8

 Adolescent (12–17 years)

n = 3–4

n = 10

 Adult (18 years and over)

n = 3–4

n = 33

RP genotype


n = 1–2

n = 8


n = 1–2

n = 1


n = 1–2

n = 12

 X-linked/RPGR RP

n = 1–2

n = 16


n = 1–2

n = 2

 Rhodopsin gene (RHO)

n = 1–2

n = 2

Patient-reported severity of RP

 Very mild

n = 1–2

n = 0


n = 1–2

n = 6


n = 1–2

n = 17


n = 1–2

n = 17

 Very severe

n = 1–2

n = 10

Visual acuity* score of the left eye

 Mild (> 60 letters)

n = 1–2

n = 21

 Moderate (36–60 letters)

n = 1–2

n = 13

 Severe (5–35 letters)

n = 1–2

n = 11

 Very severe (< 5 letters)

n = 1–2

n = 10

 N/A (blind)


n = 2

Visual acuity* score of the right eye

 Mild (> 60 letters)

n = 1–2

n = 24

 Moderate (36–60 letters)

n = 1–2

n = 13

 Severe (5–35 letters)

n = 1–2

n = 10

 Very severe (< 5 letters)

n = 1–2

n = 7

 N/A (blind)


n = 2

  1. n = 1 caregiver was included in the total sample twice, as they were interviewed separately about their two children with RP/LCA. For the concept elicitation interviews, counts were included for each child separately however, the caregiver only completed the cognitive debriefing of the ViSIO-ObsRO once
  2. *Visual acuity score as defined by ETDRS (Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study) letter score (if every letter read correctly on that line and all lines above it on the chart) [26]