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Table 3 Ability to detect change of the RiiQ™ Symptoms Scale in vaccine trial

From: Evaluation of symptoms in respiratory syncytial virus infection in adults: psychometric evaluation of the Respiratory Infection Intensity and Impact Questionnaire™ symptom scores

Global measure

Correlation, n

RiiQ™ Symptoms Scale change score (from ARI PRO eDiary Day 1 to ARI Day 29)

Respiratory symptoms

LRT scale

URT scale

Systemic symptoms

Change in PGI-S

0.43, 733

0.37, 733

0.33, 733

0.39, 732

Change in PGI-H

− 0.37, 793

− 0.27, 793

− 0.37, 793

− 0.43, 790


0.22, 829

0.18, 829

0.17, 830

0.15, 829

  1. The PGI-S was scored 0 (I feel fine) to 3 (I feel extremely ill) while the PGI-H was scored 0 (Very poor) to 4 (Very good). The PGI-C was scored − 3 (Much better) to 3 (Much worse). The PGI-H was scored 0 (Very poor) to 4 (Very good)
  2. Pearson correlations were computed with the change in PGI-S and change in PGI-H; polyserial correlations were computed with the PGI-C
  3. hARI acute respiratory infection, LRT lower respiratory tract, PGI-C Patient Global Impression of Change; PGI-H, Patient Global Impression of Health; PGI-S, Patient Global Impression of Severity; PRO, patient-reported outcome; RiiQ™, Respiratory Infection Intensity and Impact Questionnaire; URT, upper respiratory tract