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Table 2 Clinical case #1 [Patient 1]—Information available to prepare the clinical interview. Cards with fictional cases were distributed to the groups. Each group prepared the clinical interview based on the information provided, which differed between groups

From: PRO-Act: a healthcare provider workshop outlining the added value of implementing PROs in routine HIV practice


Information available to prepare the clinical interview

Group A

Personal/social details: 47 years old, male, works in a car factory

Medical history: HIV infection (diagnosed 5 years ago), hypercholesterolemia

Current medication: ART1 (started 3 years ago), statin (started 2 years ago)

Relevant tests: undetectable viral load, Hb2 11.5 g/dL, MCV3 90 fL, MCH4 30 pg

Group B

Group A information AND previously collected PROs [2]:

Suboptimal adherence and disclosure concerns—fear of discrimination by his co-workers if they found out about his HIV infection;

High internalised stigma;

Relationship worries—since separating from long-term (same sex) partner (2 years ago) has experienced difficulties initiating new relationships;

Moderate depression

Group C

Group A information AND previously collected PROs [1]:

Fatigue—particularly in the past 6 months, since increasing number of work shifts at the factory;

Suboptimal adherence—sometimes he does not take medication since the shifts run longer and prefers not to carry the medication;

Low health-related quality of life (HRQoL)

  1. 1ART–antiretroviral therapy; 2Hb—hemoglobin; 3MCV—mean corpuscular volume: 4MCH—mean corpuscular hemoglobin