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Table 1 Questionnaire on patients’ self-management for the adverse events Guide: Please answer the Questions relating to the adverse events that you reported at your previous hospital visita

From: Patients’ self-management of adverse events and patient-reported outcomes in advanced renal cell carcinoma treated with targeted therapies: A prospective, longitudinal, observational study

Adverse event

Questions on patients’ self-management

Options to answer


I have tried to lead a well-regulated life to control my fatigue

Very poor



Very well

Hand-foot syndrome

I have tried to moisturize my hands and feet by applying lotion and taken the prescribed medicines compliantly

Oral mucosal inflammation

I have managed my oral condition by gargling and taken the prescribed medicines compliantly


I have paid attention to my eating habits and taken medicines if needed

Gastrointestinal symptoms

I have drunk sufficient water, fulfilled a well-regulated eating habit, and taken the prescribed medicine compliantly


I have regularly checked my blood pressure and taken the prescribed medicine compliantly


I have eaten soft food or had frequent small meals and taken nutritional supplements as recommended

  1. aThe patient survey of AEs was produced in paper format. The form was horizontally long and folded into sections divided for each visit. Patients were able to write the content of their current (next) visit whilst referring to their previous responses on the survey form