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Table 8 Differences in EQ-5D-5L utility and EQ-VAS scores between the general population and Roma respondents

From: Differences in health-related quality of life between the Roma community and the general population in Romania



Lower 95% CI

Upper 95% CI

Unadjusted differences (full sample: N = 2308)

 EQ-5D-5L utility

− 0.043***


− 0.032

− 0.055

 EQ-VAS score

− 7.978***


− 9.529

− 6.427

Regression modelling



Roma coefficient

Lower 95% CI

Upper 95% CI

EQ-5D-5L utility (matched sample: N = 1612)


− 0.046***


− 0.065

− 0.028


− 0.044***


− 0.062

− 0.026


− 0.054***


− 0.098

− 0.030

EQ-VAS score (matched sample: N = 1612)


− 8.001***


− 10.712

− 5.289


− 7.629***


− 10.427

− 4.830

  1. For regression models, coefficients are marginal effects from Ordinary Least Squares Models, Generalized Linear Models with a Gaussian Distribution and a Log Link Function and a Tobit Model right censored at 1. All models include CEM weights and are additionally adjusted for Age. Robust standard errors in parentheses
  2. ***p < 0.01