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Table 1 Final sensory reactivity-PROM set

From: The sensory-reactivity PROM set: identification of a parent reported outcome measure set for autism spectrum disorder

Relevant outcomes

PROMIS item banks

Validated PROM (sub) scales

Directly related to sensory reactivity


1. Sensory stimulation tolerance


SSP or SEQ-3.0

2. Sensitivity to sensory stimuli


SSP or SEQ-3.0

Indirectly related to sensory reactivity


3. Irritable behavior



4. Anxiety

Anxiety (v2.0)

Psychological stress experiences (v1.0)


5. Mood problems

Depressive symptoms (v2.0)

Life satisfaction (v1.0)


6. Sleep problems

Sleep-related impairment (v1.0)

Sleep disturbance (v1.0)


7. Fatigue

Fatigue (v2.0)


8. Physical complaints

Physical stress experiences (v1.0)


9. Daily functioning and participation

Cognitive function (v.1.1)


10. Routines, structure and dealing with change


RBS-R Ritualistic Behavior

RBS-R Sameness Behavior

11. Problems in social interaction and communication

Peer relationships (v2.0)

Family relationships (v1.0)

  1. ABC, Aberrant Behavior Checklist; CASP, Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation; PEM-CY, Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth; RBS-R, Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised; SSP, Short Sensory Profile