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Table 2 Patient demographics (n = 505)

From: No date for the PROM: the association between patient-reported health events and clinical coding in primary care


Control (n = 176)

Intervention (n = 329)

Agea, Mean (SD), years

72.9 (5.5)

75.1 (6.4)

Gender (%)


81 (46%)

159 (48%)


95 (54%)

170 (52%)

Race/Ethnicity (%)


157 (89%)

299 (91%)


19 (11%)

30 (9%)

Educationb (%)

Less than college

49 (28%)

111 (34%)

Graduated college

45 (26%)

55 (17%)

Post graduate

55 (31%)

84 (25%)


27 (15%)

79 (24%)

Incomea (%)

$15,000 - $35,000

15 (8%)

20 (6%)

$35,000 - $50,000

24 (14%)

74 (22%)

$50,000 - $75,000

40 (23%)

167 (51%)


97 (55%)

68 (21%)

Charlson Co-Morbidity Indexa (SD)

2.7 (1.6)

3.3 (1.9)

PROMIS: Global Mental Health Score (SD)

53.2 (8.5)

52.1 (9.9)

PROMIS: Global Physical Health Score (SD)

47.6 (9.2)

48.8 (8.2)

  1. ap < 0.0001; bp < 0.05