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Table 2 Participant language when describing each concept

From: Qualitative research to explore the symptoms and impacts experienced by children with ulcerative colitis


Parent Example Language

N (%)

Child Example Language

N (%)


Abdominal/ stomach pain

“[tells me] stomach’s hurting” CH-001-F-P [9 Y/O])

20 (100%)

“tummy hurts” (RP-013-M-C [5 Y/O])

12 (100%)

Diarrhea/Loose stool

diarrhea comes, it comes fast” CH-016-F-P (6 Y/O)

20 (100%)

“[my stool] it’s liquid” (CH-013-M-C [9 Y/O])

10 (83%)

Blood in stool

“blood in his stool” (CH-008-F-P [4 Y/O])

18 (90%)

red blood in the toilet” (CH-001-F-C [9 Y/O])

11 (91%)

Stool urgency

“[child says] ‘I have to poop [now]” (RP-013-F-P [5 Y/O])

17 (85%)

I’ll have to, like, run to the bathroom” CH-015-F-C [11Y/O])

8 (66%)

Incomplete evacuation

“[tells me] I have to go again” (NO-002-F-P [6 Y/O])

17 (85%)

I had to use the bathroom again” (NC-001-F-C [10 Y/O])

8 (66%)

Stool frequency

“[he is] constantly going [to the bathroom]” (CH-016-F-P [6 Y/O])

16 (80%)

Maybe it [number of poops] goes to the 30s” (CH-014-M-C [8 Y/O])

8 (66%)

Feeling gassy/ passing gas

“he has gas” (CH-004-F-P [11 Y/O])

16 (80%)

I have like gas constantly” (CH-004-M-C)

8 (66%)


“[he says]‘I have to go to the bathroom, but nothing is coming out” (CH-014-F-P [8 Y/O])

14 (70%)

It feels like I have to do it, and I try doing it, do a number two, but, like, I, like, can’t go” (CH-001-F-C [9Y/O])

7 (58%)

Stomach cramping

He’s like, “I have a little cramping, mommy”” H-003-F-P [4 Y/O])

14 (70%)

I get cramps because of it” (CH-007-M-C)

7 (58%)


she’s had some accidents” (CH-005-F-P [4 Y/O])

14 (70%)

see a stain in my underwear” NC-001-F-C [10 Y/O]

5 (41%)


“her stomach swells up” (CH-001-F-P [9 Y/O])

10 (50%)

feels like my stomach’s full” (NC-001-F-C [10 Y/O])

5 (41%)

Mucus in stool

“[stool] that’s bloody and mucusy” (RP-014-F-P [4 Y/O])

13 (65%)

It looks like snot, kind of” (NC-001-F-C [10 Y/O])

2 (16%)

BM anticipation /tenesmus

Sometimes he’ll [go] to the bathroom to poop, but doesn’t have to, so he just sits there” (CH-004-F-P [11 Y/O])

4 (20%)

“‘I need to go to the bathroom.’ I go to the bathroom straight away and then ... Then I’m super confused why it doesn’t happen. I’m like, ‘Wait. Why is it not happening?’” (CH-014-M-C [8 Y/O])

3 (24%)


“vomiting” (CH-004-F-P [11 Y/O])

3 (15%)

“I threw up” (RP-013-M-C [5 Y/O])

1 (8%)


she really feels dizzy” (NO-001-F-P [11 Y/O])

2 (10%)

dizzy” (N0–001-F-C [11 Y/O])

1 (8%)

Flu-like symptoms

you know, feels kinda sick” (NO-001-F-P [11 Y/O])

3 (15%)

0 (—)

Emotional/ psychological impacts

Low mood/upset

it [UC] makes him sad (CH-010-M-P [4Y/O])

11 (55%)

it [UC] makes me cry” (CH-001-F-C [9 Y/O])

8 (66%)

Worry, anxiety, fear

“he’s afraid” (NO-002-F-P [6 Y/O])

10 (50%)

“it scared me” (CH-013-M-C [9 Y/O])

4 (33%)


he’s just embarrassed” (CH-003-F-P [4 Y/O])

10 (50%)

it’s kind of embarrassing to have it [UC]” (CH-007-M-C)

1 (8%)


it’s more frustrating with him” (CH-010-M-P [4 Y/O])

9 (45%)

it’s [UC] annoying” (NC-001-F-C)

1 (8%)


“he get angry at” (CH-010-M-P [4 Y/O])

1 (5%)

I’m angry that my stomach hurts” (CH-001-F-C [9 Y/O])

1 (8%)

Physical impacts

Impact on play & physical activities

you know he doesn’t wanna play with anything” (CH-003-F-P [4 Y/O])

16 (80%)

it hurts when I try running” (CH-001-F-C [9 Y/O])

6 (49%)

Fatigue and tiredness

he would be tired too. Very tired, ‘cause I think it [UC] was just exhausting” (CH-013-F-P [9 Y/O])

14 (70%)

I feel really weak … And lazy … Even though I feel those things,” (NC-001-F-C [10 Y/O])

3 (24%)

Limitations on eating

“loss of appetite” (CH-013-F-P [9 Y/O])

“[biggest impact] not being able, being able to eat certain stuff” (NO-001-F-P [11 Y/O])

11 (55%)

“[there are] foods I’m not allowed to eat” (CH-002-F-C [8 Y/O])

3 (24%)

Impact on sleep

he’s gonna be getting up during the night because he has to use the bathroom” (RP-013-F-P [5 Y/O])

2 (10%)

“The pain wakes me up” (CH-015-F-C [11 Y/O])

4 (33%)

Weight loss or changing weight

he lost a lot of weight” (NO-002-F-P [6 Y/O])

4 (20%)

0 (—)

Social impacts

Impact on social life

There’s many weeks he can’t go see his friends” (RP-013-F-P [5 Y/O])

5 (25%)

I couldn’t go to my church [to see friends]” (RP-013-M-C [5 Y/O])

3 (24%)

Having to plan around UC

doesn’t wanna be too far away from the bathroom” (CH-004-F-P [11 Y/O])

2 (10%)

I have to like stop and take my medicine” (NC-001-F-C [10 Y/O])

1 (8%)


Impact on school

He doesn’t even want to go to school” (CH-009-F-P [4 Y/O])

14 (70%)

Like, I miss some stuff in class” (CH-004-M-C [11 Y/O])

9 (74%)