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Table 4 Results from cognitive interview think-aloud sessions

From: Do patients consider computer-adaptive measures more appropriate than static questionnaires?







better worded and easier to answer (n = 6):

matches the current physical state better (n = 17):

“questions are worded more generally”, “more efficient”, “questions are clearly formulated and can be answered without any problems”, “more pleasing”

“aiming at people who are agile and do a lot of sports”, “described activities are more physically demanding”


better worded and easier to answer (n = 7):

“you can answer more accurately”, “concrete examples including durationare very helpful”


not suitable for current physical state (n = 4): “questions for people with limited mobility”, “better for people who are untrained or out of condition”

not suitable for current physical state (n = 3):

“have not done this recently due to less physical activity”

difficult to answer (n = 3): “questions are not formulated clearly”, “questions mean different things to different people”

difficult to answer (n = 1):

“described activities are very specific”

Emotional Functioning


better worded and easier to answer (n = 3):

highly appropriate and more precise (n = 2)

“questions are worded more generally”, “exact wording”, “more pleasing”


too extreme for current emotional condition: “dramatizes”, “sounds like being suicidal” (n = 3)