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Table 1 Phrasing and trichotomization of variables translated into English

From: Measurement of alienation among adolescents: construct validity of three scales on powerlessness, meaninglessness and social isolation

Alienation variant

Variable name


Response categories






Cannot overcome problemsa

If you try hard enough, how often do you know what to do to overcome a problem?

‘Never’ and ‘Rarely’ (know what to do)


‘Often’ and ‘Always’

Cannot manage thingsa

How often can you manage things you set out to do?

‘Never’ and ‘Rarely’ (able to manage things)


‘Often’ and ‘Always’

Feeling helplessa

How often do you feel helpless?

‘Always’ and ‘Often’


‘Rarely’ and ‘Never’


Things have no meaninga

How often do you feel there is little meaning in the things you do in your daily life?

’Very often’ and ‘Often’


‘Seldom’ and ‘Never’

Not knowing what is going ona

How often do you feel you don’t really know what is happening?

’Very often’ and ‘Often’


‘Seldom’ and ‘Never’

School is not preparing me for the futureb

School prepares me for what I want to do when I leave.

‘Strongly disagree’ and ‘Disagree’ (that school prepares me)

’Neither agree nor disagree’

’Agree’ and ‘Strongly agree’

Social isolation

Feeling left outa

How often do you feel left out of things?

‘Always’ and ‘Often’


‘Rarely’ and ‘Never’

Not feeling close to familyb

Do you feel close to your family?

‘Never’ and ‘Rarely’


‘Always’ and ‘Often’

No support when unhappyb

Are there people you can turn to for support when you are unhappy?

‘Never’ and ‘Rarely’


‘Often’ and ‘Always’

Feeling lonelya

Do you ever feel lonely?

‘Yes, very often’ and ‘Yes, often’

’Yes, sometimes’


Not belongingb

I feel I belong to several different groups of friends.

‘Strongly disagree’ and ‘Disagree’

’Neither agree nor disagree’

’Agree’ and ‘Strongly agree’,

  1. aPrevious or adapted from previous HBSC questionnaires [30]
  2. bInspired by Mau [23]