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Table 3 Demographic results

From: A comparison of three methods to generate a conceptual understanding of a disease based on the patients’ perspective


CE interviews

(N = 12)

Social Media Reviewa

(N = 100)

GCM Exercise

(N = 16)

Age, mean (range)

53 (32–78)


53 (33–70)

Gender, % male




Severity (0–10 NRS in past 2 weeks), mean (range)

2.4 (0–5)

Not known

3.8 (0–8)

  1. CE concept elicitation, GCM group concept mapping, NRS Numeric Rating Scale
  2. aDemographic and clinical data was not always provided in posts
  3. bData available in 23/100 posts
  4. cData available in 34/100 posts