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Table 3 EQ-5D-5L and SDS scores by clinician and patient ratings of severity or impact

From: Impact of possible tardive dyskinesia on physical wellness and social functioning: results from the real-world RE-KINECT study

Severity or impact of possible TD

Cohort 2 or 2Aab versus modified Cohort 1c

EQ-5D-5L utility score (SE)d

SDS total score (SE)d

Cohort 2a

“Some” or “a lot” of clinician-rated severity (n = 204)

− 0.037 (0.015)*

0.267 (0.756)

“A lot” of clinician-rated severity (n = 68)

− 0.044 (0.023)

− 0.732 (1.139)

Cohort 2Ab

“Some” or “a lot” of patient-rated severity (n = 110)

− 0.036 (0.019)

1.428 (0.931)

“A lot” of patient-rated severity (n = 52)

− 0.089 (0.024)***

3.288 (1.243)**

“Some” or “a lot” of patient-rated impact (n = 83)

− 0.042 (0.021)*

1.675 (1.053)

“A lot” of patient-rated impact (n = 33)

− 0.121 (0.031)***

5.401 (1.509)***

  1. EQ-5D-5L EuroQoL 5-dimension 5-level questionnaire; SDS Sheehan Disability Scale; SE standard error; TD tardive dyskinesia
  2. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001 (significantly worse for Cohort 2 subgroup versus modified Cohort 1). Adjusted for age, sex, overall health status, severity of psychiatric condition per clinician impression, functional status of patient per clinician impression, and psychiatric diagnosis
  3. aCohort 2 included all patients with possible TD per clinician assessment. By definition, all Cohort 2 patients had a clinician-rated severity of “some” or “a lot” in ≥ 1 body region (N = 204)
  4. bCohort 2A included patients who were aware of their possible TD. By definition, all Cohort 2A patients rated their severity as “some” or “a lot” in ≥ 1 body region (N = 110). Not all aware patients reported having “some” or “a lot” of impact on daily activities; 27 aware patients either reported “none” for all 7 activities or did not provide a response
  5. cModified Cohort 1 included patients who had no abnormal involuntary movements (N = 450)
  6. dBased on linear regression analyses of mean score differences between Cohort 2 subgroups and modified Cohort 1. Negative values for EQ-5D-5L utility score indicate worse health-related quality of life for Cohort 2 populations. Positive values for SDS total scores indicate worse functioning for Cohort 2 populations