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Table 1 Demographics of the included sample versus non-responders

From: Health-related quality of life and social determinants of health following COVID-19 infection in a predominantly Latino population


Included sample (n = 230)

Non-responders (N = 3429)*

p value

Latino ethnicity, n (%)

191 (83.0)

2459 (78.8)


Mean (SD) age, years

43.1 (14.3)

44.9 (15.4)


Male sex, n (%)

72 (31.3)

1477 (43.5)

< 0.001

Prior hospitalization with COVID-19, n (%)

29 (12.6)

587 (17.1)

< 0.001

  1. *Among 4046 unique patients in the registry, 387 were excluded for ages < 18 or > 100 or missing age