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Table 1 Detail of each PPIE session

From: The role of patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) within the development of the EQ Health and Wellbeing (EQ-HWB)


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

EQALY stage


Review of conceptual model to ensure validity

Discussion on sub-domain inclusion

Item refinement and reduction

Item reduction

Pre-testing of items

Selection of items for the measure

Design of the measure







Preparation material sent in advance

Background introduction and/or recap


Individual assessment



Paired assessment


Group discussion

Sorting task



Agreement with proposed themes and subthemes

Suggestion of dropping items to take forward into next stage of the project

Advice on which items to keep/drop, wording of items

Advice on final selection of items, wording of items, order of items within the measure, instructions for completion, and overall layout


Shared in the meeting

PPIE quotes

“The experience of PPI in the EQALY project was valuable to me. This was the first time I’d been involved in measure development. I was able to give my views on what constitutes well-being and quality of life for a patient living with comorbidities. That this study spanned health, public health & especially social care, was an added bonus—I had recently experienced social care as both patient & carer”

“It was the range of PPI activities and equality of opportunity which impressed me greatly. There were four face to face meetings which were very interactive. Important outputs were envisaged. Achieving those outputs as the study progressed, turned out to be dynamic & fun”

“I think the opportunity for reflection was a strong theme of what was offered to the PPIE members—there was a sense of it not being hurried—but it progressed in a very considered way”

  1. One member of the group withdrew from the project after session 2 due a change in personal circumstances. One member was unable to attend session 3 due to ill health