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Table 2 Qualitative categories for individualized items

From: A comparison of oncologist versus mental health provider attitudes towards standardized and tailored patient-reported outcomes



Illustrative quote for those preferring standardized

Illustrative quote for those preferring individualized

Illustrative quote for those with no preference

Easier or simpler (n = 53 OP, n = 71 MHP)

One version is simpler, easier to complete or shorter (less time consuming)

n = 118

"Simpler and easier to compare"

n = 6

“Simpler for patient to understand”

n = 0

Too complicated (n = 20 OP, n = 22 MHP)

Converse of "Easier or Simpler" where one of the options seems more complicated or difficult

n = 42

"Version 2 is too complicated and results are difficult to interpret."

n = 0

n = 0

Variability (n = 39 OP, n = 30 MHP)

Version 2 captures patient variability or what is important to the patient better. Also, Version 1 is not individualized enough

N = 0

n = 69

"More variability"

n = 0

Confusion (n = 6 OP, n = 3 MHP)

Indicates that person misunderstood description such as assuming Version 1 was short because Version 2 had 30 items. Also, if they say something like more variability in the survey means it is harder to interpret or can't compare Version 2 across patients or across time

n = 4

"Less likely chance of patient fatigue of answering 30 questions and easy, efficient"

n = 4

“Too [m]uch variability in option 2. Hard to compare to prior scores if they choose different 30”

n = 1

“30 questions would be burdensome for some patients and won't complete so might use the shorter one but [question] validity with it”

Want to compare patients (n = 16 OP, n = 22 MHP)

One version is preferred because it allows comparison of patients

n = 36

"Being able to compare results across all patients"

n = 2

“Using version 2 seems to be favorable for comparison with different patients”

n = 0

Don't want to compare patients (n = 2 OP, n = 9 MHP)

Do not want to compare patients or find that useful

n = 0

n = 2

“Patient's needs and issues are unique and not comparable to other patients.”

n = 9

"Do not Compare scores between patients"

Need more data (n = 1 OP, n = 6 MHP)

Need more information about the options to make a decision

n = 0

n = 0

n = 7

"Would need to see the specific forms"

Equal (n = 14 OP, n = 22 MHP)

No preference

n = 0

n = 0

n = 36

"Both address the issues"

Other option not listed (n = 1 OP, n = 3 MHP)

Prefer something else besides the two options listed

n = 0

n = 0

n = 4

" We use computer-adaptive technology and the PROMIS validated tool "

Patients are more accurate (n = 2 OP, n = 4 MHP)

Patients would be more accurate in reporting symptoms with one version

n = 3

”I think the results would be more comparable and accurate”

n = 3

"Patient most likely to answer more accurate"

n = 0

Prefer clinical interview or don't see the value (n = 4 OP, n = 4 MHP)

Do not prefer either because they prefer clinical judgment or interview

n = 1

”focused care during visit”

n = 0

n = 7

"Takes too much time. Better to just ask patient."

Patients don't want to complete PROs (n = 1 OP, n = 1 MHP)

Prefers neither because patients don't want to complete PROs in general

n = 0

n = 0

n = 2

"Patients at our clinic do not take these PROs seriously and often get upset having to complete them"

More information (n = 21 OP, n = 13 MHP)

One version would provide more or better information than the other

n = 3

”it focuses on most relevant problems, toxicities, response to treatment”

n = 31

"I believe that more useful information would be obtained from version 2 although version 1 would also be helpful."

n = 0

Currently how it’s done (n = 2 OP, n = 3 MHP)

This is how it has been done before or is the current standard of practice

n = 5

"Because currently how it is done"

n = 0

n = 0

Better Results (n = 11 OP, n = 5 MHP)

One version would provide better symptom assessment or be easier to interpret

n = 8

"It will be easier to interpret"

n = 8

“If all patients get the same questions, then it is likely that they won't be asked about the information they are interested in giving feedback about.”

n = 0

Patients should not be the one's choosing (n = 0 OP, n = 4 MHP)

Patients are not able to choose what is important to them or do not know what is most relevant to them

n = 4

"I don't think patients choosing the applicable questions is a good idea, as they may not be able to interpret what applies best to them"

n = 0

n = 0

  1. OP oncology provider, MHP mental health provider. Standardardized Items was listed as Version 1 and Precision (Individualized) Items was listed as Version 2