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Table 3 Results of MANCOVA and Regression Analyses with Baseline and Change-Scores of Goal Delineation Items in the Frame of Reference Domain (n = 1391)

From: Creating idiometric short-form measures of cognitive appraisal: balancing theory and pragmatics

  1. Conditional formatting indicates the magnitude of the effect size (ES), with the least saturated highlighting showing small ES, the middle saturation indicating a medium ES, and the most saturated indicating a
  2. * Dependent variables: Goal Delineation Items; Independent Variables: region, gender, age, comorbidities, difficulty paying bills, whether working, whether retired, whether disabled
  3. † Independent Variables: Goal Delineation item; 3 covariates of age, comorbidities, difficulty paying bills; & Goal Delineation item’s interactions with the covariates