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Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics and score changes

From: Measurement properties of PROMIS short forms for pain and function in total hip arthroplasty patients


Cross-sectional (N = 132)

Longitudinal (N = 116)

Test-retest (N = 45)

Age (years)

65.4 (10.9)

65.9 (10.2)

68.5 (10.9)

Sex (female) (n, %)

58 (43.9)

51 (44.0)

16 (35.6)

Height (cm)

171.1 (9.1)

171.5 (8.9)

171.5 (9.0)

Weight (kg)

78.4 (14.8)

77.9 (14.9)

79.4 (13.3)

Body mass index (kg/m2)

26.7 (4.0)

26.4 (3.9)

26.9 (3.6)


65.7 (8.7)

65.0 (8.8)

64.2 (9.6)

PROMIS PI (T-score)

64.4 (7.0)b

64.2 (7.2)

63.9 (8.3)

PROMIS PF (T-score)

36.9 (5.5)b

37.3 (5.5)

37.2 (6.0)


22.1 (8.7)c

22.5 (8.8)d

22.5 (9.9)

PROMIS PAIN (T-score change, 95% CI)


−20.0 (−21.6 to −18.4)


PROMIS PI (T-score change, 95% CI)


−19.6 (−21.1 to −18.0)


PROMIS PF (T-score change, 95% CI)


15.8 (14.5 to 17.0)


OHS (score change, 95% CI)


22.6 (21.0 to 24.3)

  1. PROMIS Patient Reported Measurement Outcome Instrumentation System, PAIN Pain intensity, PI Pain interference, PF Physical function, T-score Overall PROMIS score calculated per domain, OHS Oxford Hip Score, CI Confidence interval
  2. aExpressed as mean with standard deviation unless otherwise stated
  3. bFor one case, two of four items were missing, but score calculation was still possible with automated response pattern scoring
  4. cFor five cases, one to two items were missing and replaced by the mean of all other items to calculate a score
  5. dOne item was missing for one case, which was replaced by the mean of all other items to calculate a score