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Table 1 Patients’ characteristics

From: Content validity of patient-reported outcomes for use in lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes


Total (N = 16)

Demographic characteristics

 Age, median (Range)

67.5 (51, 91)

 Sex, n (%)


8 (50.0%)

 Living status, n (%)

  Living with husband/wife/partner

12 (75.0%)

  Living alone

3 (18.7%)

  Living with parents/family or friends

1 (6.3%)

 Work status, n (%)


13 (81.3%)

  Not working due to MDS

2 (12.5%)


1 (6.3%)

 Race, n (%)


15 (93.7%)

  Black/African American

1 (6.3%)

 Highest level of education, n (%)

  College or university

7 (43.8%)

  Some years of college

5 (31.3%)

  Graduation or professional degree

2 (12.5%)

  Some high school

1 (6.3%)

  High school diploma or general educational development

1 (6.3%)

Clinical characteristics

 Years since diagnosis, Median (Range)

3.6 (0.25, 50.8)

 IPSS risk category, n (%)



9 (56.2)


7 (43.8)

 MDS Subtypea, n (%)

  Refractory Anemia with Ring Sideroblasts (RARS)

7 (43.8)

  Refractory Cytopenia with Multilineage Dysplasia (RCMD)

6 (37.5)

  MDS Unclassified (MDS-U)

2 (12.5)

  Refractory Cytopenia with Unilineage Dysplasia (RCUD)

1 (6.3)

  MDS associated with del(5q) including the 5q- syndrome

1 (6.3)

 ECOG performance status, n (%)


7 (43.8)


9 (56.2)

 Chronic diseases other than MDS, n (%)

8 (50.0)


6 (75.0)


3 (37.5)


2 (25.0)


1 (12.5)


1 (12.5)


1 (12.5)


1 (12.5)

 Current prescribed pharmacological treatment n (%)


3 (18.8)


3 (18.8)


2 (12.5)


2 (12.5)


2 (12.5)

  Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor

1 (6.3)


1 (6.3)


1 (6.3)

  Coenzyme Q10

1 (6.3)


1 (6.3)

 Previous pharmacological treatment n (%)


10 (62.5)


4 (25.0)


2 (12.5)


2 (12.5)

  Hypomethylating agents

1 (6.3)

  Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor

1 (6.3)


1 (6.3)


1 (6.3)

  1. aTotal n is greater than sample size due to an error in reporting in which one participant was reported to have two types of MDS: RCMD and del(5q)
  2. IPSS International Prognostic Scoring System, MDS Myelodysplastic syndrome