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Table 1 Literature review search terms

From: Literature review to characterize the empirical basis for response scale selection in pediatric populations



Search Terms


Response scale terms

‘response scale’:ab,ti OR ‘response scales’:ab,ti OR likert:ab,ti OR ‘likert scale’/exp. OR ‘visual analog scale’:ab,ti OR ‘visual analog scales’:ab,ti OR ‘visual analogue scale’:ab,ti OR ‘visual analog scale’/exp. OR ‘numerical rating scale’:ab,ti OR ‘numerical rating scales’:ab,ti OR ‘verbal rating scale’:ab,ti OR ‘verbal rating scales’:ab,ti OR ‘competence scale’:ab,ti OR ‘competence scales’:ab,ti OR ‘frequency scale’:ab,ti OR ‘frequency scales’:ab,ti OR ‘extent scale’:ab,ti OR ‘extent scales’:ab,ti OR ‘comparison scale’:ab,ti OR ‘comparison scales’:ab,ti OR ‘performance scale’:ab,ti OR ‘performance scales’:ab,ti OR ‘developmental scale’:ab,ti OR ‘developmental scales’:ab,ti OR ‘qualitative scale’:ab,ti OR ‘qualitative scales’:ab,ti OR ‘agreement scale’:ab,ti OR ‘agreement scales’:ab,ti OR ‘categorical scale’:ab,ti OR ‘categorical scales’:ab,ti


Selecting terms

select*:ab,ti OR choos*:ab,ti OR criteria:ab,ti OR compare:ab,ti OR comparison:ab,ti


PRO terms

‘patient satisfaction’/exp. OR (patient* NEAR/2 satisfaction):ab,ti OR (patient* NEAR/2 reported):ab,ti OR ‘self report’/exp. OR (self NEAR/1 report*):ab,ti OR ‘patient preference’/exp. OR (patient* NEAR/2 preference*):ab,ti OR (patient* NEAR/1 assess*):ab,ti OR ‘self evaluation’:ab,ti OR ‘self evaluations’:ab,ti OR (patient* NEAR/2 rating):ab,ti OR (patient* NEAR/2 rated):ab,ti OR ‘self-completed’:ab,ti OR ‘self- administered’:ab,ti OR (self NEAR/1 assessment*):ab,ti OR ‘self-rated’:ab,ti OR ‘patient based outcome’:ab,ti OR ‘self evaluation’/exp. OR experience*:ab,ti


ObsRO terms

‘observer reported’:ab,ti OR ‘observer rated’:ab,ti



‘population group’/exp. OR ‘population’/exp. OR population OR ‘age’/exp. OR age*:ab,ti OR ‘child’/exp. OR ‘adolescent’/exp. OR adolescent* OR child* OR teenage:ti OR kid:ti OR pediatr* OR neonatal:ab,ti OR ‘newborn’/exp. OR ‘infant’/exp. OR ‘preschool child’/exp.