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Table 3 Time trade-off (TTO) exercises in the UK (n = 150) and Swedish (n = 150) analysis sets, presented a mean (SD)

From: A utility valuation study assessing the impact of postprandial glucose control on quality of life of individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes

Health state

UK general public (n = 150)

Swedish people with diabetes

Type 1 diabetes (n = 63)

Type 2 diabetes (n = 87)

Overall (n = 150)

Mild impact of PPG control symptoms on HRQOL


0.89 (0.13)

0.79 (0.22)

0.74 (0.22)

0.76 (0.22)

Moderate impact of PPG control symptoms on HRQOL


0.75 (0.22)

0.73 (0.24)

0.69 (0.24)

0.71 (0.24)

Severe impact of PPG control symptoms on HRQOL


0.56 (0.28)

0.61 (0.27)

0.56 (0.28)

0.58 (0.28)

  1. SD standard deviation, PPG postprandial glucose, HRQOL health-related quality of life