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Table 5 Rationale for possible items for deletion

From: Psychometric evaluation of the near activity visual questionnaire presbyopia (NAVQ-P) and additional patient-reported outcome items




Inter-item correlation

Item properties

IRT modelling

3. Reading on Tablet Device

Potential redundancy with item 2 (0.973) and 4 (0.983)

Item 2. Reading on a smartphone

Item 4. Reading on a laptop or desktop

Most participants noted doing this activity between Baseline and Month 3

Potential local dependency with Item 2 and 4

Remove item

8. Engaging in Hobbies

Inter-item correlations were less than 0.9

High percentage of participants endorsing the N/A response option (20.0-25.1%) between Baseline and Month 3

No evidence of local dependency

Retain– despite 20% of participants endorsing N/A option, the item assesses a slightly different concept to other items

14. Reading for Long Period of Time

Inter item correlations were less than 0.9

Most participants noted doing this activity between Baseline and Month 3

Potential local dependency with Item 15 (Adjusting vision from long distance to short distance)

Retain– despite potential local dependency with item 15, the items assess slightly different concepts