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Table 2 Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics of the 200182 trial population and the exit interview population

From: Qualitative interviews of patients with COPD and muscle weakness enrolled in a clinical trial evaluating a new anabolic treatment: patient perspectives of disease experience, trial participation and outcome assessments


Total clinical trial (N = 96)

Total exit interview (N = 67)

60-minute interview (n = 32)

15-minute interview (n = 35)

Age (years), mean (SD)

65.1 (7.1)

65.1 (7.2)

64.6 (8.2)

65.5 (6.5)

Female, n (%)

47 (49.0)

36 (53.7)

14 (43.8)

22 (62.9)

Race n (%)



 African American/African

91 (94.8)

7 (5.2)

64 (95.5)

3 (4.5)

29 (90.6)

3 (9.4)

35 (100.0)

Country, n (%)





51 (53.1)

33 (12.5)

12 (12.5)

39 (58.2)

19 (28.4)

9 (13.4)

24 (75.0)

7 (18.8)

2 (6.3)

15 (42.9)

13 (37.1)

7 (20.0)

Clinical characteristics


Baseline predicted FEV1(%), mean (SD)

48.8 (10.8)

50.3 (10.7)

52.3 (11.3)

48.4 (9.8)

BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD)

25.0 (4.2)

25.2 (4.2)

24.3 (3.9)

26.1 (3.9)

CAT score, mean (SD)

18.4 (6.5)

18.6 (6.6)

18.6 (6.4)

18.6 (6.9)

Trial treatment arm, n (%)




49 (51.0)

47 (49.0)

35 (52.2)

32 (47.8)

17 (53.1)

15 (46.9)

18 (51.4)

17 (48.6)

  1. BMI, body mass index; CAT, COPD Assessment Test; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; LABA, long-acting β2-agonist; LAMA, long-acting muscarinic antagonist; SD, standard deviation