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Table 6 EQ-HWB and EQ-HWB-S measuresa

From: Content validity of the EQ-HWB and EQ-HWB-S in a sample of Italian patients, informal caregivers and members of the general public

These questions are trying to measure how your life has been over the last 7 days. Please answer all questions. There are no wrong or right answers

Difficulty (no, slight, some, a lot and unable)

1. How difficult was it for you to see? (using, for example, glasses or contact lenses if you usually use them)

2. How difficult was it for you to hear? (using, for example, hearing aids if you usually use them)

3. How difficult was it for you to get around inside and outside? (using, for example, walking stick, frame or wheelchair, if you usually use them)

4. How difficult was it for you to do day-to-day activities? (for example, working, shopping, housework)

5. How difficult was it for you to wash, toilet, get dressed, eat or care for your appearance?

Frequency (none of the time, only occasionally, sometimes, often, most or all the time)

6. I felt I had no control over my day-to-day life (had the choice or do things or have things done for you as you liked and when you wanted)

7. I felt unable to cope with my day-to-day life

8. I had trouble remembering

9. I had trouble concentrating/thinking clearly

10. I felt anxious

11. I felt frustrated

12. I felt sad or depressed

13. I felt I had nothing to look forward to

14. I felt lonely

15. I felt unsupported by people

16. I felt unsafe (fear of falling, abuse or other physical harm)

17. I had problems with my sleep

18. I felt exhausted

19. I felt accepted by others (felt like you were able to be yourself and that you belonged)

20. I felt good about myself

21. I could do the things I wanted to do

Frequency (items 22, 24: none of the time, only occasionally, sometimes, often, most or all the time) and severity (items 23, 25: no, mild, moderate, severe, very severe)

22. I had physical pain

23. I had physical pain

24. I had physical discomfort (for example, feeling sick, breathless, itching (not including pain))

25. I had physical discomfort

  1. Note The order of the items reflects an early version of the questionnaire
  2. Items in bold: included in the EQ-HWB-S
  3. ªEuroQol Research Foundation. EQ-HWBTM is a trade mark of the EuroQol Research Foundation. Questions in bold are EQ-HWB-S. EQ-HWB-S indicates short version of EQ Health and Wellbeing