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Table 1 Demographic, pain history, and study variable information for the study sample (N = 269)

From: Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the Thai version of the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system short form– depression 8a in individuals with chronic low back pain


n (%)

Mean (SD)

Self-identified sex



189 (70)



80 (30)


Age (years)


42.5 (16.6)

Height (cm)


162.1 (8.9)

Weight (kg)


63.6 (14.2)

Body mass index (kg/m2)


24.1 (4.9)

Employment status*


 Working full time

202 (75)



67 (25)


Pain Duration (months)


33.7 (35.8)

Pain Intensity (T-NRS; 0–10)


 Current pain


5.9 (1.9)

 Average pain (7-day)


5.9 (1.8)

Disability (T-FRI; 0-100)


45.5 (15.3)

T-PHQ-9 (0–27)


8.4 (5.2)



53.8 (9.0)

  1. *Percentages sum to > 100% due to rounding errors
  2. Note T-NRS = Thai version of the Numeric Rating Scale; T-FRI = Thai version of the Functional Rating Index; T-PHQ-9 = Thai version of the Patient Health Questionnaire 9; T-PROMIS-D-8a = Thai version of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System Short Form - Depression 8a