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Table 2 Computer literacy in the ePRO cohort (users vs non-users)

From: Real-world use and clinical impact of an electronic patient-reported outcome tool in patients with solid tumors treated with immuno-oncology therapy



users (n = 319)


non-users (n = 695)

P valuea

Patient access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone, n (%)


< 0.001


141 (44.2)

184 (26.5)



15 (4.7)

82 (11.8)



163 (51.1)

429 (61.7)


Caregivers access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone, n (%)


< 0.001


63 (19.7)

87 (12.5)



5 (1.6)

42 (6.0)



251 (78.7)

566 (81.4)


Frequency of patient’s email use, n (%)


< 0.001


80 (25.1)

91 (13.1)



26 (8.2)

21 (3.0)



27 (8.5)

60 (8.6)



10 (3.1)

71 (10.2)



176 (55.2)

452 (65.0)

  1. aStatistical comparisons were performed using chi-squared tests (or Fisher’s exact tests for categorical variables with expected counts <10)
  2. ePRO electronic patient-reported outcome