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Table 3 Equations to predict the PROPr from the PROMIS global health items and scales

From: Mapping of the PROMIS global health measure to the PROPr in the United States

Prediction from PROMIS Global Items:

 1) PROPrpredicted = -0.54239 + 0.01548 * global03 + 0.01289 * global04 + 0.00717 * global05 + + 0.04842 * global06 + 0.01265 * global07 +  0.02568 * global08 + 0.04842 * global09 + 0.06820 * global10

 2) PROPrP_equated = 0.53843+(0.24937/0.19903) * (PROPrpredicted − 0.53843)

 3) if PROPrP_equated >.z and PROPrP_equated < -0.022 then PROPrP_equated = -0.022

 4) If PROPrP_equated > 1 then PROPrP_equated = 1

Prediction from PROMIS Global Scales:

 1) PROPrpredicted = -0.68328 + 0.01820 * globalphysical + 0.00656 * globalmental

 2) PROPrP_equated = 0.53847+(0.24937/0.19108) * (PROPrpredicted − 0.53847)

 3) if PROPrP_equated>.z and PROPrP_equated < -0.022 then PROPrP_equated = -0.022

 4) If PROPrP_equated > 1 then PROPrP_equated = 1