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Fig. 1 | Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes

Fig. 1

From: Use of the National Cancer Institute Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events to assess treatment tolerability in pulmonary arterial hypertension: qualitative patient research findings in current and former users of oral selexipag

Fig. 1

Selexipag AEs reported during concept elicitation (N = 19*)

AE: adverse event; PAH: pulmonary arterial hypertension

Note: Concepts listed in italics were spontaneously reported by a single participant each, but they were not included in the interview guide and therefore were not probed with all participants

*One participant is not included in this figure because she reported experiencing a wide variety of side effects (headache, nasopharyngitis, nausea, flushing, diarrhea, dry heaving, numbness in hand/arm, gas/belching) but stated there was no way she could determine the cause of any of them because she had been on three medications simultaneously for the duration of her PAH treatment

†Included in these counts are participants who reported experiencing the following side effects but are unsure whether they were caused by selexipag: headache (3), jaw pain (2), back pain (2), nasopharyngitis (2), flushing (1), vomiting (1), blurred vision (1), dry mouth and eyes/feeling dehydrated (1)

‡One participant reported low oxygen as the most bothersome side effect but later attributed the low oxygen to unmanaged PAH. Most bothersome side effects for the remaining 17 participants are shown, but counts do not sum to 17 because participants could select more than one most bothersome side effect

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