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Table 2 Participant Feedback, Preferences, and Time Requirements

From: Let’s talk about it: an exploration of the comparative use of three different digital platforms to gather patient-reported outcome measures





Preferred platform, n (%)

20 (83)

3 (13)

1 (4)

Average daily time requirements,a min




User feedback


Positive aspects and preferred features

Ability to answer questions at participants’ desired speed; ease of use; device portability; convenience

Simple interface; some users appreciated the slow scrolling speed

May be beneficial for those with limited mobility or visual impairments

Negative aspects

Some participants noted that creating avatars and earning gems made the experience feel too informal

Slow speed

Slow speed; participants reported frustration with having to repeat response options verbatim

Suggestions for improvement

Ability to modify reminders and notifications; addition of more purchases for participants’ avatar and more goals to achieve

Ability to modify reminders and notifications; adjustable scrolling speed or self-scrolling feature

Ability to modify reminders and notifications; provision of a preconfigured speaker and physical script to initiate questions; ability to choose an answer without repeating an exact phrase

Technical difficulties

Participants did not always receive daily notifications; platform stalled midway through the PRO measures, requiring a few participants to restart

Automated scrolling feature stalled midway through the measures, requiring a number of participants to restart

Occasional malfunctioning of the phrase “repeat that”; challenges terminating the My Daily Wellness app after completion of the daily PRO measures; difficulties receiving the initial system-generated invitation to initiate platform testing

  1. PRO = patient-reported outcome
  2. a Indicates the amount of time, on average, that participants reported taking to complete patient-reported outcome measures daily using the Datacubed, Chatbot, and Alexa platforms